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4 - Circular array loop

Problem Statement

Approch 1: Fast and slow pointers approch

Written by @kondekarshubham123
def get_next_position(nums, index , if_forward):
direction = nums[index] >= 0
if (direction != if_forward):
return -1

next_index = (index + nums[index]) % len(nums)
if(next_index < 0):
next_index = next_index + len(nums)

if(index == next_index):
return -1

return next_index

def circular_array_loop(nums):
l = len(nums)

if l == 0:
return False

for i in range(l):
slow = fast = i
if_forward = nums[i] > 0

while True:

slow = get_next_position(nums, slow , if_forward)

if(slow == -1):

fast = get_next_position(nums, fast , if_forward)

if(fast == -1):

fast = get_next_position(nums, fast , if_forward)

if(fast == -1):

if (slow == fast):
return True

return False