5 - Reverse Words in a String
Problem Statement
Given a sentence
, reverse the order of its words
without affecting the order of letters within a given word.
Example 1:
Input: sentence = "We love Python"
Output: "Python love We"
Example 2:
Input: sentence = "Hey"
Output: "Hey"
- The length of the sentence should be equal to or more than one character or word.
- Sentence contains English uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and spaces.
- 1 ≤
≤ 104 - The order of the letters within a word is not to be reversed.
Note: The input string may contain leading or trailing spaces or multiple spaces between words. The returned string, however, should only have a single space separating each word. Do not include any extra spaces.
Approach 1: Using Inbuild Method
- Python
def reverse_words(s):
return s.split()[::-1]